CQU: MMST11010 Illustration & Visualisation

Week 3 Tutorial



Hello again. This week you will be starting to draw subject matter without copying. The first exercise may seem a little weird because you will be asked to draw without looking at your drawing until you have finished – which will be after a specified time.

Exercise 3.1: Pure contour drawing

For full instructions refer to the prescribed text (Edwards, 2012) pages 86-90.


To learn to observe detail and spatial relationships through the perception of edge as the border between two shapes coming together.

When you have finished be sure to also read Edwards’ analysis of the exercise on pages 89-91.

The squiggly drawing of the lines of the palm of your hand is what you submit for Assessment 1, Exercise 3.1.

Exercise 3.2: Modified contour drawing 1

For full instructions refer to the prescribed text (Edwards, 2012) pages 91-94.


Drawing directly onto your ‘picture plane aid’ using a marker pen you will draw a foreshortened view of your own hand.

When you have finished, retain your drawing on the ‘picture plane’ device for the next exercise.

Please note that, as evidence of this exercise is required for your Assessment 1 portfolio you are advised to photograph or scan the sketch you have made on the picture plane to submit for Exercise 3.2.

Be sure to also read Edwards’ analysis of the exercise on pages 93-101. There are related picture-framing exercises to try on these pages too.

Exercise 3.3: Modified contour drawing 2

For full instructions refer to the prescribed text (Edwards, 2012) pages 101-109.


You will transfer the outlines created in exercise 3.2 to paper and then fill in details, highlights and shadows from further life observation.

This forshortened view of your hand is to be included in your Assessment 1 portfolio for Exercise 3.3.

©2005 - 2018 CQUniversity Australia Dr Ashley Holmes